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Jazz kissa

12 Jan 2024 à 12:08

Otomo se souvient :

Re: Jazz kissa

13 Jan 2024 à 11:58

Pas de réaction ? Je vais juste souligner le passage intéressant , histoire de casser le mythe Jazz pépère et sirotage de Whisky :
"The jazz kissa would often be run by an arty, interesting man or woman, who would play records on their system all day long according to their own taste. In Fukushima, which then had a population of 270 thousand, there were four jazz kissa, two of which were quite hard core, playing music by Charlie Mingus, Ornette Coleman, Eric Dolphy, and sometimes Derek Bailey or Evan Parker. These two were the ones I frequented. In time, I became a hard core jazz fan in addition to being a hard core rock fan. Of the music that I heard, I was especially drawn to Abe Kaoru and Takayanagi Masayuki."

Je sais,  Castellulu et JB14 vont avaler de travers leur petit saké , ce dernier prenant même le risque d'en renverser et donc de tacher son vénéré  tapis .